Matching Fund

Matching Fund

WICU News Report

Jet 24 News Report

Look at that horse run!

I have always loved watching horses. My family gives grace when we are in the car and I slow down to get a look at horses grazing in a field. I particularly enjoy when the Ranch’s horses are pastured out by my house and in the evening we can just sit outside and watch them graze. That being said, there was a particular horse that I just recently couldn’t get enough of. I would watch this horse the last few days of 2014 whenever I had a spare moment. In fact, I ended up connecting with others on New Years Eve who had also been watching this same horse and were excited to watch it together.

The horse has been found on our website and has been on a journey since late October representing the progression of the Ranch’s Matching Fund Campaign toward the $300,000 goal. For those just catching up, a matching fund campaign was put into motion this fall when a very gracious and benevolent donor offered to match all funds given toward paying off our mortgage up to $300,000. With only hours left in 2014, that goal was met by way of donations and pledges from well over 500 folks. What that means for Miracle Mountain Ranch is that in 2015 we will be paying off the mortgage part of the land purchase that was made in 2010. What an absolutely amazing thing the Lord has done! This will allow us to save around $260,000 in interest alone! Not only is this an enormous burden lifted from the financial expenses of the Ranch, but it will also allow us to put those monthly payments toward the balloon payment which will finalize the land purchase. To put some of this in perspective I think of my son. He was just 2 years old when we initially signed this 20 year mortgage. He would’ve been 22 by the time we had paid it off according to man’s plans. According to God’s plan, he is only 6 years old as we close the mortgage with the bank. How amazing is our God! How often I underestimate Him! And often He reminds me of His faithfulness!

We are so grateful for the many people who supported this campaign, both financially and prayerfully. We look forward to the new year and what the Lord holds for His ministry here at Miracle Mountain Ranch.

May God bless you in this new year to come.

Matt Cox
Executive Director
Miracle Mountain Ranch

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