What To Bring To Camp

  • Bible, notebook, and pen
  • Sleeping bag or blankets and pillow (be prepared for cooler weather)
  • Toiletries & towel
  • Water bottle
  • Jeans, raincoat, sweatshirt, and rubber boots or shoes for rain.
  • A modest bathing suit that covers entire midriff (shorts are encouraged and they are required for the pool climbing wall).
  • For horse activities closed toed shoes (no crocs) are required as well as long pants.
  • Boots or Shoes with a heel are recommended for Horse Camps.
  • Clean and neat clothes are requested for chapels.
  • Skirts should be knee-length.
  • Modest shorts (knee-length is preferable).
  • Please, no pants with holes above the knee.
  • Optional: loose sweatpants for special sports and vaulting.
  • No spaghetti-strap tank tops, leggings, yoga pants, or see through clothes please.
  • No phones or electronics.

While packing, keep in mind that summer camp can be messy, sweaty, dirty, sometimes kind of wet, and a ton of fun!