Mother-Daughter Retreat
Date: March 28th-29th, 2025
Cost: Top Hand – $110 per person, Bunkhouse- $100 per person (some craft options may have additional cost)
Join us for our Mother-Daughter Weekend! This weekend is specifically designed as a special time for mothers and daughters to come and enjoy time spent with one another as they build stronger relationships. Whether you are looking to take a trail ride or do crafts, this retreat has much to offer. Registration will begin at 4:30 PM on Friday and conclude after dinner on Saturday. If you would like the opportunity for a few more activities and another night at the ranch, we invite you to stay another night and leave after breakfast on Sunday for an additional $20 per person. There will be no chapel provided at the Ranch on Sunday morning, but we will provide a list of area churches where our staff attend.
4:30 Arrival and Registration
6:00 Dinner
7:00 Chapel
8:30 Hayride/Board Games
8:00 Breakfast
9:30 Morning Activities
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Afternoon Activities
4:00 Message from the Mount
5:00 Buckboard
6:00 PM Dinner (Ox Yoke building)
6:30 PM Happy Trails!
Options for late departure:
7:00 PM Activities
8:00 AM Breakfast
8:30 AM Happy Trails! (We invite you to attend one of our local churches if you aren’t able to make it to your own.)
Climbing Wall, Buckboard, Trail Rides, Critter Corral, Crafts,
Cowboy Campfire, Confidence Course