We have had a season of new arrivals here at the Ranch and we couldn’t be more excited! We would like to introduce these three new babies.
Josh and Alyssa Bridges welcomed little Tessa Marie to their family on Nov. 8th, 2019. She is such a little cutie and we all enjoy her smiles. It has been fun to watch Tessa taking in all the excitement at retreats and events.
On December 3, 2019 Titus Quinn was born to Adam and Chelsea Marshall two months before his due date. “Mighty Titus,” as we all liked to call him, only weighed 2 lbs 4 oz and had to stay in the NICU unit until coming home on Feb. 7th.
Gavin Carter, born to Daniel and Kara Stanley, arrived on Feb. 4, 2020. We have all loved watching the Stanleys enjoying their sweet little boy. His chubby cheeks and dark hair make him quite a charmer!

Tessa Marie Bridges

Titus Quinn Marshall

Gavin Carter Stanley
In other, but exciting news, our Marketing Manager, Lydia (Torrey) Spencer married Hans Spencer on Nov. 30, 2019. It was a chilly but beautiful event. Hans serves as a Sheriff Deputy in Warren and they now live off-site but nearby so Lydia plans to continue working part time as a staffer.
We have also had some new staff join us over the winter. Calliope Glasscock has come on staff as our Media Manager and assistant to Lydia. She is learning the ropes and a real blessing to the department. You’ll often find her around camp with a camera in her hands.
Philip Weaver, from Lancaster, PA, joined us on staff after graduating from our School of Discipleship in August. He works in our Operations Department and has been a huge help with the construction and remodel of the unit for the Marshalls. Philip has also been hosting many volunteers that have come to help with the project.
Thank you for your support and encouragement of our staff. Each one plays such a vital role here and your prayers and support make it possible for them to serve here.

Hans and Lydia Spencer

Calliope Glasscock

Philip Weaver