Land Campaign Celebration

In the wake of our Land Campaign, we would like to extend an open invitation to join us in celebration and thanksgiving for the payment of our mortgage. Come and enjoy pizza, cake, and fellowship as we thank the Lord for His faithfulness to MMR. During this time, we will give testimony to the Lord’s goodness to us, as well as share some future goals and projects that we have in mind as we move forward. We will also highlight our Scholarship Fund and some of the different events surrounding that cause. This is a great opportunity to bring a friend and expose them to the heartbeat of Miracle Mountain Ranch!

Date: Thursday, March 19th, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

There is no cost for this event, but we do ask for an R.S.V.P. anytime before the event by calling our office at (814) 664-7673, or by using the online RSVP below.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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