We are so blessed by your prayers for Miracle Mountain Ranch and the ministry here. God is faithful in providing each day to meet our various needs. Here are a few praises we would like to share as we look back over the year and our prayer requests heading into the new year.
- The ability to hold 4 ½ weeks of day camps in the midst of a pandemic.
- Many new kids that had never come to camp before.
- Financial gifts that have allowed us to stay operating even with having to cancel many events.
- A summer that had enough rain to provide for a good hay harvest, but plenty of sunshine which allowed us to be outside with our summer program.
- The 15 students beginning their year in the School of Discipleship.
- The Lord’s continued protection.
Prayer Requests
- Wisdom
- New class of students
- Winter retreats
- Resident staff
- Discernment for the new year
- Safety and finances to set a double wide trailer for staff housing
- Safety and health through the winter for our staff and animals