New Livery Shed Barn

Sometimes the things that seem to limit us can be a blessing in disguise.  Take winter, for instance.  It is often characterized by being a season of restriction.  Construction, events, traveling, and animal management are dictated by the forecast.  We have had many bitterly cold days, which makes tending to the needs of a large herd of horses our main focus.  These months are often a unique opportunity to slow down, refocus, and be more purposeful in our planning and decision making.   It is easy to feel driven by timelines.  But we are always reminded, particularly during this season, that there is nothing that we can accomplish apart from the grace of God.  I was reminded of this in Psalm 62:5-8:

My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from Him.  He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defense; I shall not be moved.  In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.  Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.

We are to wait on HIM.  He is sovereign and knows every detail of our needs.  His timing is perfect, even though it can be hard to wait on His timeline. Yet even in the midst of our waiting, He is our stability, our rock, our fortress, our salvation!  Sounds like a great place to wait!

Fire Restoration Project

We are continually amazed at just how much progress we have been able to make in the construction of the barn which replaces to old Livery shed, despite the winter weather.  We are just days away from being able to put horses and hay into the new facility. We are so grateful for all those who have volunteered to help or contribute to this enormous project!  When completed, this building will offer shelter to over half of our herd! As spring draws closer, we hope that many of you will be able to visit and see first-hand all that the Lord has done. To view pictures of the new barn, visit

New Critter Corral Barn

We hope to begin construction of the new Critter Corral barn in early spring.  This new barn is designed to better accommodate our growing small animal program.  We pray that the excitement of the new barn will help with the Ranchers’ sense of loss over the former one.  Please pray with us that the Lord will equip us and allow us to have the majority of this project ready for Open House in May.

The Brokenstraw Inn Project

Many of you may have had the opportunity to see the new restroom facilities, the Brokenstraw Bathhouse & Inn.  On top of offering a central restroom facility, it will eventually provide six bunkrooms enabling us to house up to 50 or more people!  This is a vital need, as we were running out of housing during last summer’s well attended season.  It will also have a living area and a lower level basement.  We have had many volunteers, but $70,000 in funding is still needed for the completion of the bunkhouse phase of this project.  Our current goal is the completion of the building’s exterior for our Open House.

Land Purchase Progress

In 2010, our original principle owed was $861,000.  To date, that number has shrunk to $680,000 thanks to our faithful contributors!

Scholarship Program

In 2013 we were able to scholarship over $70,000 worth of camp costs to Ranchers in need of help attending camp.  We are praying that we can reach a goal of $75,000 this year so that we can continue expanding this program.

Some Specific Prayer Requests

  • For continued funding for each of the specific needs of the Ranch.

  • For volunteers to aid in the many construction projects including the Brokenstraw, Mustanger’s (both needing the help of masons, particularly), the new Critter Corral Barn, and the new archery site.

  • Wisdom for the staff as they make decisions concerning the rebuilding and remodeling, as well as discernment for teaching and working with the apprentices throughout the year, weekend retreats, and summer camp preparation.

  • For accommodating weather so that we can reach our building goals.

  • For wisdom and opportunity as we prepare to celebrate 50 years of ministry and seek to honor all those who have invested in God’s work here over the years.

50th Anniversary!

On Memorial Day (May 26th, 2014), we will be hosting our normal Open House, but you will also have many opportunities to walk through the history of the Ranch as we celebrate our 50th anniversary!  We hope that you will be able to join us for a fun day of activities and friends as we rejoice in all that the Lord has done!

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of God’s hand at work here.  We are always humbled by the reality that none of this would be possible apart from God’s enabling and the willingness of His people.  Whether through volunteer labor, finances, or prayer, you are such an encouragement to us!


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