Miracle Mountain Ranch Scholarship
Our desire is to give every child the opportunity to attend camp regardless of their financial situation.
We offer scholarships for our retreats, in-training program, and summer camps. Each scholarship is determined on the basis of individual need. We ask scholarship applicants to pay a minimum of a $100 deposit towards the base fee of our basic adventure and wilderness camps. (Wild West, Pathfinders, Buckaroo, Day Camp, Base Camp & Girls’ Wilderness camp) and a minimum of 50% of the base fee towards specialty camps (Horse Camps, Marker Madness, & Absolute Bearing). Please contact our office for a code prior to completing the scholarship application if you are applying for a specialty camp. Families will also be responsible to pay the full amount for any additional options not included in the base fee of camp such as our Breakfast Trail Ride, Overnighter, Paintball, and for any Buckboard Store money added to a child’s account. If you are unable to afford the minimum amount, please explain in your statement of need.
Below is the link to the online scholarship application. When you fill out the application, please indicate the total amount you are able to pay towards the base fee of camp (including $100 deposit), One reference is required. We request a family friend or a pastoral reference who is not related to the applicant.
Once we have your application and the reference form we will contact you with an approval code which will allow you to register your child online. If you need a paper application or reference form, please contact our office and we can send you one.
Thank you for your application. We look forward to seeing you at camp!
Sincerely in Christ,
Caitrin Allen – Registrar
Donnie Rosie – CFO