Miracle Mountain Ranch Missions
Health and Safety Protocols
The following guidelines will be implemented based on the PA Department of Health and Center for Disease Control guidelines. These procedures will be followed to the best of our abilities for all staff and guests of Miracle Mountain Ranch.
- All parents/guardians assume the risk of sending their child to camp.
- If your child shows signs of illness prior to their arrival, please call our office and we will reimburse you the cost of your registration. We ask that your child be fever free for 48 hours before attending camp.
- It is recommended that if your child has any pre-existing health concerns or recent injuries, you call the office prior to arrival to discuss the feasibility of their attendance and/or any necessary restrictions.
- Please print and fill out any med sheets prior to arrival and keep medications in their original packaging and place them in a ziplock bag. It will be helpful to label each bottle with the child’s name if not a prescription bottle. Be careful when filling out the med forms NOT to fill in the checkboxes under the days of the week or sign the bottom of the form as those are for the nurses to fill out and the parent to sign at the end of the week. (Day campers will have parents sign their medications in and out daily).
- Liability and medication forms need to be submitted a full week prior to arrival.
- All summer staff will be health screened during staff training.
- Upon arrival, health checks will be given by our staff.
- If it is discovered during the health check that the Rancher has symptoms of illness they will not be permitted to stay and you may see the office to make alternative arrangements or to ask for a refund.
- We ask that all outstanding payments, including any Buckboard (gift and snack shop) money, craft or elective options be taken care of online ahead of time. This will greatly expedite the intake process.
- Pick-up procedures for resident camp will be given during registration.
In the Event of Illness
- If a Rancher or staffer feels sick, they are to come directly to the Nurse’s Station. All Ranchers must be accompanied by a staff member.
- In the event that they are running a fever or otherwise symptomatic they will be asked to remain with the nursing staff in the infirmary until pick up can be arranged by a guardian.
- Parents/Guardians MUST be available to pick up their Rancher as soon as possible.
- We ask that if any Ranchers develop or test positive for Covid-19 shortly after their time here, the family would alert our office as soon as possible.
Sanitation Procedures
- All sanitation procedures will be done with CDC approved sanitizers and disinfectants.
Medical Protocols for Staff and Volunteers
- All staff and volunteers will go through a health screening upon arrival.
- If any staff feel ill, they must immediately report to the camp nurse. The camp nurse or Director of Nursing will triage and evaluate the staff.
- Any staff considered symptomatic will be quarantined away from the public and asked to seek future treatment as needed.
- A camp nurse is on duty at all times, under the supervision of the Director of Nursing.
- The Director of Nursing will assist staff with mitigation procedures in the event of a Covid-19 confirmed case.
- Our doctor’s standing orders will be followed concerning other medical concerns.
If you have any questions concerning these protocols please feel free to contact the office at (814) 664-7673 or [email protected].