Summer Staff Paperwork Links
We are so excited for this upcoming summer and we are looking forward to the opportunity to partner with you in ministry. This page is set up to connect you with all the required paperwork and background checks that you will need in order to be employed at MMR this summer.
Remember to reference to the checklist that was sent to you to download the correct forms.
To Register for the FBI Fingerprint Check:
To apply for the Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance (PA CAHC):
For additional questions about how to get the proper work permit please click here
"I learned more skills about riding horses." - Summer Camp Rancher
"...She also benefitted greatly from continued education in God's love for her and learning to have faith in His plan for her life." - Parent of a Rancher
"Friendships, relationships with Jesus, life skills, positive influences." - Kerri on Summer Camp
"The staff has great, great focus on God with the horses" - Rancher's Mother
MMR is one of the best places I have ever been. I love it so much!! The staff there are amazing, Godly people and I learn and grow Spiritually every time I set foot on the Ranch..." - Kaylee, Summer Camp Rancher
"MMR is an AMAZING place...the staff are courteous and know their stuff...I am proud of the friendships that were developed there and sooo look forward to my next visit" - Joey