Dear Friends of The Ranch,

This year MMR celebrated its 50th anniversary. Because of the Lord’s blessing and the support of so many, MMR has been able to impact tens of thousands of lives for Christ.Land Campaign As 2014 closes, we have an exciting opportunity for you to consider. Are you interested in learning how to double a year-end gift to the Ranch? A friend and supporter of the Ranch has pledged to match up to $300,000 in donations raised between September 20th and December 31st, 2014, toward the retirement of our bank mortgage! If we are able to obtain the full $300,000 match by raising an equal amount within the specified timeframe, the bank mortgage will be paid in full!

In 2010, Miracle Mountain Ranch purchased 530 acres surrounding the main camp area. This $1.6 million purchase was accomplished through a $39,000 down payment, an $861,000 bank mortgage, and a $700,000 balloon payment to be made in 2015, directly to the former owner of the property.

In January 2014, we negotiated the $700,000 balloon payment to be paid monthly, $100,000/year, over seven years, with 0% interest. We currently owe about $600,000 on that portion of the debt.

In 2010, the bank mortgage started at $861,000 and has been paid down to about $600,000, as well. This generous pledge to match any amount raised up to $300,000, will be used to pay off the portion of the debt owed to the bank.

How did this opportunity come about? On September 20th, 2014, a woman asked me a question as we were discussing the many facets of the Ranch ministry. She asked me to consider what the greatest financial need of the Ranch is, and if I could choose one area of financial need to be totally met, what it would be. I told her about the mortgage and after a half hour of discussions, a rough plan was in place. Her goal or “project,” as she called it, is to see this mortgage completely paid and to provide motivation for many others to join the cause before the year’s end.

Here are some exciting numbers to consider:

  • $300,000 in gifts + a $300,000 match = bank mortgage paid in full
  • If 5,000 people contributed $60, or if 300 people contributed $1,000, the amount raised would equal $300,000.
  • If each person who has been to camp, a retreat, or the School of Discipleship, (50,000+) contributed $6, the amount raised would equal more than $300,000.
  • If our bank mortgage were paid in full in January 2015, we would save an additional $260,000 in interest over the life of the loan!
  • If the bank mortgage were paid in full, then $80,000/ year, currently paid to the bank, would be available to meet the many needs of the camp as we grow.
  • $300,000 would be the largest amount given to MMR in three months time.
  • 1,250 kids came to summer camp in 2014, which is a 10% growth per year since 2010.
  • 344 scholarships were given to children for summer camp in 2014.
  • 95 kids came to faith in Christ during summer camp in 2014.

With this opportunity to have your gift matched, how can you participate? Here are four specific ways:

  1. Before the end of 2014, make a gift by check, with the enclosed response card and envelope, or donate online at
  2. Call us at (814) 664-7673 to make a pledge, which you can then fulfill beyond the end of this year.
  3. Pray for this fundraising adventure and praise God for His provision.
    Nothing good is accomplished without God’s leading and glory.
  4. Tell others about the opportunity to have their gift matched and about the things God is doing at Miracle Mountain Ranch.

For up-to-date information on where we are with raising the $300,000 to be matched, visit our website at

May the blessing of the Lord be upon you as you prayerfully consider your response!  Here is a link to donate now.


In Christ,

Mark Brenner
Chief Financial Officer

Miracle Mountain Ranch
101 Rodeo Drive
Spring Creek, PA 16436


[email protected]

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