It has been an impactful year. The programs we have offered in 2021 have been about as full as they can be. From family camps to the discipleship program, we have been blessed with an abundance of ministry opportunities. Despite everything going on, it seems like there is a growing interest in the Gospel and Biblical teaching. It is no surprise that the timeless Gospel message still brings hope, correction, and counsel. Camp is a great place to have fun, meet friends, and hear the good news of Christ.

After a delay to our new bunkhouse building project, we are back at it. We aim to raise funds needed for this bunkhouse, build it, and have it ready for next summer. We need it! We do not have enough quality housing for the guests that would like to come. Our aged housing limits the Ranch. The team here is so encouraged that we have raised $114,000 towards this project. Our goal is around $150,000. That means we only have about $36,000 left. We would love your help reaching this goal.

In other news, we renovated four bunkhouses this last year! That is HUGE, and we are so thankful to have these finished. On top of this, we need to replace Fort Wilderness after the fire destroyed it last year. That was a setback for sure, but we are working on a new design that will better fit the program. Thank you for your continued support and for those who have come to volunteer for these projects.

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