Dear Friends and Supporters of the Ranch,

On June 6th at 3:00 pm, the 58th Summer Camp at Miracle Mountain Ranch started. New year, but with the same goal – present the good news of the gospel to kids from all around the world. We want to share the love and hope we find in Christ and to disciple others to love God and to love one another. Doing this while having fun, enjoying God’s creation, riding horses, playing games, meeting friends, and all of the other awesome things kids do at camp. You might not recognize June 6th as the start date. It’s because we host a camp for The Potter’s School, an online school for kids in middle school and high school. Next, we rolled into staff training for about a week and a half and that lead us to the first Buckaroo Camp and our first full week of camp starting on June 26th.
Before summer we didn’t think we would have enough summer staff, but God provided and we had plenty of them. Some gave up full-time jobs to follow the calling to serve this summer. It looked as though we would need to tell some kids they could not come to camp, but it turned out that we have been able to host more kids than last year! Currently, we have 1220 kids signed up for camp, which is about 100 more than in 2021. We have the right number of kids for the facilities and staff that the Lord has provided. Another God-thing was to see how the bunkhouses got finished in time for summer. We built and opened the new Dale’s Saddle Shop and Dutch’s Hardware bunkhouse. This will host 16 kids and 4 staff. It will also be open for both family camps this fall. With heating and cooling, this is a building we can use year-round. We raised $150,000, thanks to your help, and the total cost was around $180,000. As you know, building costs have been up. It is a very well built building and will serve the ministry for many years to come. The cost of the building would have been more, but we were blessed by volunteers and other donations.On top of building the new bunkhouse, we have renovated 3 other bunkhouses. These bunkhouses saw significant improvements and updates that will allow us to host our guests even better. They will also be used for our retreat season.

Last but not least, you will remember that the Fort burned last spring and we were without it last summer. For this year’s Warren Gives, we focused on raising funds to rebuild this facility. Our supporters helped us raise over $57,000!!! We won the state challenge and were the most supported organization that day. We are so very grateful for your support. These funds allowed us to hire someone to build part of the Fort for use this summer. We built two sides of the Fort and we have money left to keep going on the project. Kids have been able to use it all summer long. So, thank you to all that supported us during Warren Gives day. We are also thankful for the Warren Community Foundation’s organization of this event. Please keep us in your prayers as we finish our summer camp season. A lot goes into summer camp and there are so many physical and spiritual needs. Kids are dealing with a lot these days. We want to offer them a safe place to hear the hope Jesus offers, as well as a place to have fun during their summer break, build friendships and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Pray for the staff as they finish strong and pray their plans come together for their fall as well. Finally, we are looking forward to seeing our students in the SOD program graduate. It is hard to see them go, but they have done well and it will be a blessing to see them graduate and move on to great things. Some of them will stay for a second year at MMR and be joined by our new class of students in September. Thank you for your support of Miracle Mountain Ranch. We are humbled to represent you in ministry. We could not have done itwithout God providing through you. We would welcome support towards our general fund to help with the higher building costs we incurred this spring and summer.