Open House 2021

Open House 2021

We were so thankful to be able to host our Open House this year! It was a blessing to see many familiar and new faces around the Ranch. The day included our annual 5k race, trail rides, pony rides, concessions, Message from the Mount, Memorial Day Service, face...
Glimpse Into Our Lives

Glimpse Into Our Lives

As we look into the months ahead, we anticipate the addition of some new staff here at MMR. Rachel Rothey recently joined us after her graduation as a second year student in the School of Discipleship. Rachel will be helping in the Operations department and is found...
Free At Last

Free At Last

We are excited to announce that our theme this Summer will be “Free at Last!”.  Our summer verses are Romans 8:1-5.  Verses 1-2 say, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the...
Glimpse Into Our Lives

Glimpse Into Our Lives

If there’s one thing true about camping is that it is an ever changing landscape. This year that has been especially true within our staff body. We have the joy of welcoming a new little one onto our staff family. Nathan and Kelsey Snyder welcomed Jane McKenzie into...
Prayer & Praise | Fall 2020

Prayer & Praise | Fall 2020

We are so blessed by your prayers for Miracle Mountain Ranch and the ministry here. God is faithful in providing each day to meet our various needs. Here are a few praises we would like to share as we look back over the year and our prayer requests heading into the...

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