Anna Cover

Anna Cover

Anna grew up in Ripon, California, and came to the School of Discipleship in the fall of 2021. After graduating in her second year, she came on staff in the Equine Department. Anna assists in instructing and overseeing the students’ horsemanship lessons, training horses, helping to manage the barn, as well as investing in the lives of the girls in the barn. She loves seeing God work in the hearts of those around her and desires to be used by Him.


Anna Cover’s Newsletter

Fall 2024

Hello friends and family,

I hope your summer has been pleasant. Our summer camp season is officially completed! This summer’s theme for chapels and devotions was Abiding in Christ, John 15.1-5. This summer we had almost 1,200 kids come to camp in seven short weeks, and many kids came to salvation through Christ!

In the barn we had a great crew of summer staff to run our trail ride barn, lesson barn, small animal barn, and vaulting program. The majority of our horse camps were completely full. I worked primarily in the lesson barn, overseeing the lessons that were happening, and the training of the lesson horses. I had the opportunity to specifically mentor three girls in the barn, as well as one of the girl counselors. These girls also challenged me to put into practice the words I say, as well as seeking Christ and choosing to abide in Him even when I feel far away from Him. During the last week and a half of summer camp, I also had the opportunity to supervise the Barn In-Training program.

Recently, we celebrated the students’ graduation of the School of Discipleship. While is it sad to see them go, I am very thankful for the relationships that we built this past year. I have loved seeing the work God has done in each of their lives, and am blessed to see firsthand how much God has grown them this past year. I am very excited to see them go out and practically implement all that they learned at the ranch. This past year, I had the privilege of co-advising with Darci; our students were Hallie and Evelyn. Hallie is headed back to her home where she plans to begin working with local horses as a trainer. Evelyn is staying as a second-year student in the Programming department.

We are currently in a slower time, as all the graduated students have left, we have a window of three weeks before orientation and new students come in. While it is nice to have a slower pace for a bit, there is still much to be done. We have our second family camp, work projects in the barn preparing the grounds for this next year, and schooling of horses.

Once the new group of students arrives and the new school year kicks off, I will be assisting the overseeing of the horsemanship program. We have five second-year barn students who will be instructing the first-year students. Part of my job is to help them learn how to better instruct. I will also be helping with the training of our horse herd. We have approximately 80 horses that we have to keep tuned up, as well as quite a few young horses to train. One of my favorite parts is getting to know the new students and building relationships with them, being able to encourage, challenge, and disciple them. In addition to working with the new group of students, we have a multitude of fall retreats and events of which I will be helping with the activities in the barn. Included in these are Horse Lover’s, Ladies Retreat, Harvest Party, and Homeschool Day.

I have been reading the psalms and have been continually struck by the author’s diligence in coming before the Lord in all things. When he feels far from God, that God does not hear him, or that his enemies are going to overtake him, the author cries out to God and purposes to remember God’s faithfulness to His promises. It has been a huge encouragement to me to see that God has given us prayer as a gift to come before Him. He cares deeply for us, and when we run to Him and pour out our heart to Him, He will hear and He will hold us.

I greatly appreciate those of you who have faithfully continued to pray for me and my ministry here. My last update was that I needed to raise support to be able to stay another year at MMR. I am so grateful to be able to say that I am financially at a place that I will be staying another year. These are a few specific things I would appreciate prayer for:

  • That the Lord would do a work in my heart, continuing to grow me into the image of His Son.
  • That the Lord would do a work in the new group of students coming in.
  • For unity in the resident staff at MMR, and encourage each of them in this season
  • That the Lord would provide the remainder of the financial support I am needing to reach my goal
  • That the Lord would provide a vehicle for me here in PA


  • A wonderful summer, and many salvation testimonies!
  • The completion of the School of Discipleship year
  • One of my sisters had the opportunity to visit this summer
  • The opportunity to serve here this fall

In Christ,
Anna Cover


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