Tyler and Harmony Chundrlek

Tyler and Harmony Chundrlek

Originally from Columbus Pennsylvania, Tyler Chundrlek, is an ‘09 graduate of the School of Discipleship. In 2010, Tyler came on staff and served in multiple positions including Program Director and Camp Director for several years. In 2021, Tyler began working in the School of Discipleship at MMR. Tyler earned a Master’s degree in Christian Leadership Studies in 2013 from Liberty University. Harmony is a Miracle Mountain Ranch summer staff alumni and met Tyler through her volunteering in the horse barn during Ranch events. Tyler and Harmony were married in December 2012 and have four children; Frank, Grace, Gideon, and Jael.


The Chundrlek Newsletter

Spring 2024

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you so much for being a part of our support team whether financially, through prayer, or both. We would not be able to be here serving the Lord without you! Firstly, let me start by apologizing for the gap in between our last newsletter and this one. I could tell you how busy we have been, but you, me and everyone else on the planet seems to be incredibly busy so I will spare you the excuses! We have been trying to pump the brakes on our schedules and slow down and enjoy the season God has us in and the unique opportunities that come with it. But I’m sure that you would agree that this is easier said than done.

Our kids keep growing up and it is hard to believe Frank is 10, Grace is 8, Gideon 6, Jael 3, and Harmony…well never mind that.

Summer camp season is almost upon us. As of the time of writing this, we are at 1,058 kids signed up for camp which means we still have some openings for scholarships! If you would like any information on summer camp scholarships just call our office (814) 664-7673. But you better act fast because the few remaining spots will fill up quickly. Also, if you know any young ladies that love Jesus and are interested in telling others about Him please direct them to our website to get more information on summer counselor positions.

In other news, I have been teaching a lot more this year, which I really enjoy. I continued teaching my normal School of Discipleship class load – New Testament Survey, Church History, Leadership in Ministry, and Apologetics I. In addition to those classes, this year I taught Introduction to Biblical Counseling, and Apologetics II. I have also had the opportunity to teach several single day lectures on a variety of topics, provide pulpit supply to local churches, give a chapel at a local Christian School, and (with all my free time) I became a volunteer Hunter Education Instructor and helped teach a class for the first time this Spring!

And now for some rapid-fire-randomness: We were able to hear Godwin from Duck Dynasty give his testimony and we got to meet him afterwards. Harmony and I are looking forward to moving sometime in the next several months to another staff home. If you are familiar with the MMR staff, we are moving into the house previously occupied by the Hungerford family. I have been trying to get a small cabin built on a piece of property that Harmony and I purchased three years ago. I have been getting lots of help from friends and family. I’m in way over my head, but learning a lot and enjoying the process…for the most part! And this past February was my third time attending the Biblical Counseling Training Conference in Lafayette, IN. As always, it was incredibly challenging and helpful training. God has been softening me to the idea of offering counseling in a more structured/systematic way in the hopes of helping others grow closer to Christ.

Thank you for taking to time to read our newsletter!

With Love,
The Chundrleks

If you feel called to support us in this ministry financially, here are some things you will want to know:

  1. 100% of support goes directly to us
  2. All gifts are tax deductible
  3. Check or money orders should be made out directly to Miracle Mountain Ranch designated for us on a separate piece of paper or in the check memo
  4. MMR does have the ability to do direct deposit withdraws from your checking or savings account for your monthly giving
  5. Support can also be given online by clicking the button below

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