Josh and Rachel Snyder

Josh and Rachel Snyder

Josh and Rachel Snyder grew up going to summer camp as well as serving as volunteers and on summer staff in many different positions. Rachel attended the School of Discipleship from 2019-2021. Upon graduating she joined us on staff in the Operations Department in the fall of 2021. She assists with daily water testing for the state, projects around the shop, and working alongside students. Josh returned to serve during the summers as a counselor in 2022 and as program staff in 2023. He is now serving in the Programming Department with various construction projects, housekeeping maintenance, retreats, and teaching welding to the shop students.

Josh and Rachel Snyder’s Newsletter

May 2024

Hello Family and Friends,

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”
John 15:1-5


Winter has faded away, spring has begun, and we are about to roll into summer! These 5 verses are the theme for this summer’s summer camps, Abiding With Christ! How wonderful it is that we have this reminder of our need to abide in Christ lest we can do nothing!

This winter we have had the opportunity to work alongside the school of discipleship students and other staff to facilitate several retreats such as S.A.L.T (Servant Attitude Leadership Training), Youth Winter Blast, Cowboys for Christ, Mother-Daughter Retreat, Quilters Retreat, Couples Retreat, as well as a new event specific to this year, a Solar Eclipse retreat. We had an unique opportunity to be in the path of totality and although the day was a bit cloudy, it was still so neat to see the power of our creator through his amazing creation!

Josh has been working with the programming department doing many different projects. He spent a lot of time working to complete the archery pavilion for this summer. The second story was added, as well as the set up of a metal storage box to store supplies free of rodents. Josh also has been helping with felling trees that need to be removed, as well as cleaning up all the debris that is produced from cutting down and processing the trees. Josh has also had the opportunity to teach the shop students welding. The students have been really enjoying learning this skill! And Josh has enjoyed teaching them.

In our off time, we have been able to complete some furniture refinishing projects on some furniture we were blessed with! We also got to help Josh’s brother’s family process some maple syrup, which is always a “sweet” time! We have been able to spend time riding horses together, going on adventures together, and making food!

Rachel has been working on some landscaping projects, shop projects, as well as some work in the barn to prepare the vaulting program for summer! She has been working with Ebony (the vaulting horse) to help prepare her for summer, as well as driving the minis, and exercising Brisket, the long horn steer.

Summer is going to look a little different for us. Rachel will be running vaulting daily at the barns, in addition to mentoring several barn girls. Josh’s position is still unclear at this point. There is a potential he will be programming staff, similar role to what he did last year, or he will be helping with wilderness camp. This means he will be out in the woods most of the week leading, counseling, and teaching the guys who will be attending wilderness camp. We are both praying that the Lord will prepare our hearts to serve the ranchers who will be attending this summer as well as preparing the hearts of the summer staff who will be joining us!


  • We were able to find renters for Josh’s house in Indianapolis in February!
  • We are so thankful for the Lord’s provision of financial support.

Prayer Requests:
Summer Camp:

  • Needs for a few more head counselors, the hearts of incoming summer staff, the hearts of ranchers who will be attending summer camps.
  • There are many projects to be completed before camp begins!
  • Endurance for the busy summer camp season.

We would love to hear from you if you have questions or would like to catch up! You can either call, text, or email us! If you would like to receive our support letter via email, please send me your email address to the address below! Thank you so much for supporting us as we serve here!

Josh and Rachel

Supporting Us:
If you are interested in becoming one of our supporters here are a few things to know: 100% of your gifts are given to us and are tax deductible. Checks can be made out to Miracle Mountain Ranch and have ‘Josh + Rachel Snyder’ on the memo line and mailed to Miracle Mountain Ranch 101 Rodeo Dr. Spring Creek, PA 16436. There is also a direct withdrawal option from your checking account. This can be set up by contacting the ranch office at (814-664-7673). More information can be found at the ranch website by clicking the button below.

Thank you!