Adam and Chelsea Marshall

Adam & Chelsea Marshall

Adam Marshall came on staff in January of 2014. He went through the School of Discipleship in 2004 after being a Rancher and on summer staff for about six years. He graduated from the program in 2005 and went into the work field where he held multiple jobs throughout the years.From his work, he was able to obtain different skills that he now applies in the Operations Department where he now serves. He married Chelsea (McCormick) Marshall in the fall of 2018. Chelsea is a stay-at-home mom and volunteers at the Ranch when she can. Adam and Chelsea have three children, Titus (4), Eliza (2), and Lara (8 mo).


The Marshall Report

Fall 2024

Greetings from the Marshall family, I pray this letter is finding you all well. We can hardly believe the summer camp season is halfway over already. In this busy time, it is easy for us to forget to look up from our busyness to see what God is doing. There have already been many children saved and many more that have found a renewed faith in their week here at camp. There is no doubt that God’s hand will be shown in great ways throughout the rest of summer camp. We are blessed by what he has already done and excited to see what he will do in the future.

Personal update

To say that time is going by fast seems like an understatement, the kids are growing and learning more each day which also means that I am as well. It always amazes me how while I am doing my best to discipline and teach my children about their sin and the love God has for them, He is often times also revealing my own sin at the same time. It has been very humbling for me as a mom. Praise the Lord for the grace and forgiveness he has for me each day.

Titus’s interests seem to grow and change each day. We recently started going to our local library. Right now he seems to really enjoy books about wildlife as well as book about weather. Because of his love to read books I signed him up for the summer reading program. He participated in a short season of T-ball this summer. The games are very entertaining as all the kids are learning the basics of the game. Titus has started to have more interest in helping with things, he has helped me plant seeds for our garden and flower bed. He has loved watching the plants grow and enjoys helping me harvest when things are ready. For about 3 years now he has helped me grow and care for a cut flower garden. He loves delivering flowers to all the ladies up at the ranch.

Eliza is also enjoying going to the library, she too has a great love for books. Her personality has defiantly blossomed in the past few months, she doesn’t stop talking. Now that she is a little older it has been fun to watch her and Titus play together. She finally seems to be more interested in horses but still says she likes tractors better.

Lara has also been growing and changing, she loves people and is almost always happy. She walks around everywhere and is always trying to keep up with brother and sister. I am learning to enjoy each stage of development with her more so than I did with Liza and Titus.

Student and summer update

We have 3 students who have chosen shop for their summer departments. They have each been a huge blessing while they work along with the young volunteers. Please pray for them as they work through the summer and that the Lord would use them in the lives of the young men who come and volunteer this summer.

I ended up getting assigned 5 girls to mentor weekly throughout the summer, this has been a blessing and a challenge for me. It has been a joy for me to see how God is working in their lives while they serve this summer in various departments. As God continues to give me opportunities to invest in young girls, he has been showing me the great need that young people have for mentorship. I have learned and grown so much just by being willing to make time for them. If you do not have someone in your life that you are able to invest, I would encourage you to pray about who that could be and take a step to build a relationship with them. You may be surprised at what God will do. In addition to mentoring this summer I am also leading one week of devotions for the housekeeping and kitchen volunteers.

We are excited to announce that that Baby number 4 will be arriving this January. Please pray with us for a healthy full-term pregnancy.

Operations update

Adam and the guys are busy this summer, there are many projects to be completed. A major one being the completion of the fort, they decided to hire out some of the construction to get this project completed in time to be used for summer. They have made great progress and were able to have it up and running before summer camp began. They have also been working to get the new road put into the Conklin’s property. These needs completed for it to be possible for the logging trucks to collected the lumber that we had timbered this spring. Due to window wells rotting out and being replaced we are needing to put new siding up on the backside of the dining hall. Many of you may have heard that our large walk-in freezer was down for about a month early spring. We ended up having to replace the compressor with a cost of over $10,000.00. We would like to thank all who gave to this project as our ministry could not functioned through summer without the freezer. There are many other small projects that Adam has been working on at the shop and around the ranch if you would like a more detailed update, please feel free to reach out to him. 724-944-0132

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. We are so blessed to have so many of you coming alongside us in this ministry. If you would like more information on what we do at the Ranch we would love to talk to you.

The Marshall Family.


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