Chad and Miriam Martin

Chad and Miriam, who are both graduates of the School of Discipleship, came on staff in October of 2021. Chad works primarily in the School of Discipleship overseeing student worktimes as well as teaching some classes. He also assists with maintenance projects as needed. Miriam does some landscaping work as she can, tending to flower beds and rock gardens around the ranch. Their son Finneas was born in June of 2023.


Martin’s Ministry Updates

July 31, 2024

Dear friends and family,

The summer season here at the ranch is almost over! We are halfway through week 6 of camp. I always enjoy this time of year when our summer staff team comes together for another year of camp. There are many returning summer staff, as well as new people. God has seen fit to provide the help for another summer.

In May I finished with Release Time for the summer. I think it was a successful first year! We had about 65 kids that came regularly, who got to hear Bible stories, play games, and memorize Bible verses each week. At the beginning of the year, the first story I taught was creation, and by the end of the year we had made it to the people of Israel meeting with God on Mount Sinai. The last week we were together we served the children ice cream, which was a big hit! We also gave out Bibles to the children who were new this year.

This past winter and spring have brought a lot of new changes for us. We got a puppy in February, who has grown very fast! His name is Jasper, and he and Finneas are becoming good playmates. Miriam is also pregnant again, and so Finneas will be promoted to big brother status sometime in late December, Lord willing. One of the perks of our new home is that it has an established garden plot, so Miriam and I are tending our own garden together for the first time this year. It has been satisfying to watch seeds sprout and grow so fast, and we are looking forward to harvest time (as long as I can keep Peter rabbit out…I found that someone was burrowing in the potatoes!). Another notable change is that I have started helping out part time with some of the finances here at the ranch. There has been a need for more help in that area since last summer when a long-time staff couple retired from the ministry. I will continue to work in the School of Discipleship, but won’t be doing quite as much in that department.

Over the summer Miriam will be doing some landscaping as needed (mostly around our house!) and is growing some flowers for graduation. I will be helping out again with wilderness camp as much as I can. The first week I did the chapel messages for the guys. I spoke on a few different topics, such as love, forgiveness, and true repentance. Miriam and I have also each been assigned a summer staff or two that we will be mentoring over the summer while they’re here.

We were blessed again to be able to take a week of vacation in Florida with Miriam’s family at the beginning of June, and we are looking forward to spending some time in Ontario with my family for my sister’s wedding at the end of August.

Pray that we would be able to minister well to the summer staff and ranchers that come for camp this summer. For that, pray that we would be spiritually strengthened. Pray also that Miriam and the baby would continue to be healthy for the remainder of the pregnancy. Finneas has been cutting teeth, and we would appreciate prayer for him to be able to sleep well. We have several weddings coming up in Ontario this summer and fall. Pray that we would have safe travels and that those who are getting married would enjoy God’s blessing! Finally, pray that I would be able to learn the finance stuff well, and see if it’s an area that I should keep serving in.

Thank you for all of your prayer and support,

Chad & Miriam

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