Kristin Thompson

Kristin Thompson came on staff in March of 2019. She grew up on the island of Guam as a missionary kid, and while there was able to play soccer for their national team at the highest level of competition. She then attended Northland International University where she earned a degree for Business Administration with a camping minor. After retiring from playing soccer she fed her love for horses by working on a farm and volunteering at a large therapy barn. She is serving at the ranch as an assistant in the barn, helping with office work as well as work projects and general horse care.


Kristin’s Newsletter

November 2019


Dear All,

Just a quick update: Things around here are crazy, but wanted to send a quick update on what the Lord has been doing here at the Ranch!

We have had our first hard taste of winter! We already have about 6-10 inches of snow! I always say I love the snow from inside by the fire…… it is so pretty, but not so fun when standing knee deep in it doing chores!!!

These past couple week have been good, but not gonna lie hard. I have been able to help counsel some students and work through some really hard things. I have learned so much about the amazing God we serve! I think the biggest lesson I have learned is about showing others grace and patience even when I think they dont “deserve” it. Who am I to judge and who am I to withhold forgiveness and grace when I have been shown so much! The Lord is so patient, kind, and gracious with me how can I not then turn around and share it with others. It has been alot to work through and has stretched me beyond what I thought was possible. I have come to the end of my own strength and had to rely on God for everything. For those of you who know me so well you know I am a fixer, and especially when it comes to people I care about I just want to fix it and make it all better. BUT the Lord has shown me so clearly there is nothing I can do to fix it or make it better it is HE alone who can bring comfort to those hurting and HE alone who should bring justice to those who I may think deserve it.

Anyway I am very very excited to be able to go and see my family for Thanksgiving coming up! As well as check in with a couple churches and share updates with them!


  • the great lessons the Lord has taught me
  • the great friends and mentors the Lord has brought to me
  • my jeep is fixed 🙂

Prayer Requests:

  • a safe journey back to New England over the thanksgiving holidays (about a 7-8 hour drive, for my newly fixed jeep……I am nervous that it will make it)
  • continued growth for me spiritually
  • continued contacts for additional financial support, I am still no where near even 50% of where I am suppose to be for a monthly support, if you have any contacts in churches or with individuals who might be interested please let me know

Thank you so much for your continued support and encouragement as I learn to grow and serve the Lord here at the Ranch!

Cowgirling for Christ,


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