Jacob Roth

Jacob Roth

Jacob Roth started out in the counseling department for summer camp in 2017. He became a School of Discipleship student in 2022 and graduated in the fall of 2024. He is now on staff as the Assistant Program Director. Jacob will be overseeing retreats, helping run the summer camp program, and working directly with SOD students in the program department. He is excited to serve and to see God work through him!

Jacob Roth’s Newsletter

2024 Fall Support Letter

Dear Family and Friends,

I hope you all are doing well! The year of 2024 is coming to a rapid end. Only yesterday, it felt like I was still a School of Discipleship student at Miracle Mountain Ranch and helping out with summer camp. Over the course of the summer, I was part of the programming staff team and helped out maintaining some of the camp facilities. I serviced the camp swimming pool, stocked the fishing shed, and worked on building the bonfire for our sharing nights that took place on Thursdays. On the flip side of my job, I was an aid to the camp counselors by helping them out in situations that were needed.

Even though I wasn’t able to have a direct impact working with the ranchers that attended, such as being a counselor as I have in past summers, God provided me with many amazing indirect ways. One of the greatest opportunities I had was overseeing the Counselor In-Training program. I worked with four fine gentlemen ranging in ages 14-16. During the course of their training weeks, we met daily for thirty minutes to discuss how their week was going, what they were learning, and how they were growing spiritually, in addition to going over some of the challenges they were facing. Throughout the summer, I was greatly motivated to present what God had laid on my heart for these guys and walk them through some of the struggles they faced. The growth from the time they arrived to the time they left was clearly evident. They encouraged me throughout the summer and I was excited by my own spiritual growth I experienced alongside them!

I finished out the summer strong and graduated from my second year at the SOD (School of Discipleship) in August. It was an honor and privilege to be a student alongside twenty-four other godly men and women, eight of which I had gone through a first year with. After graduation, I returned to West Virginia to help working with my dad’s electrical company. We’ve been very blessed as this has been the busiest time period his company has ever had since his time of being in business for over nine years. It’s been a great honor to be a part of the crew during this season!

On November 15th, I asked my wonderful girlfriend, Sienna, to marry me. She said yes! We had been first and second year students together, and officially started dating in April 2023. The whole journey to this point has been amazing and I am very thankful to the Lord for directing our steps. It has been the best feeling in the world to have finally asked her to be my wife! I am very extremely blessed to have her in my life and I am excitedly expecting the day when we will tie the knot!

During this past school year, I talked with the camp director of MMR (Miracle Mountain Ranch) about the potential of coming on as resident staff. There was an opening as Assistant Program Director. I prayed over the course of spring and summer and was accepted for the job position. I will be joining as full time resident staff at the beginning of January 2025. Until then, I am currently working part time at the Ranch, helping out with weekend events, while also balancing my electrical job with my dad.

As the Assistant Program Director, my job will consist of scheduling, preparing, and running retreats that take place at the Ranch as well as hosting guest groups that visit. I will also be helping out with various work projects, the SOD programming students, and running summer camp when it rolls around. I am very excited for the role and look forward to the opportunity to serve and continue to bring others to the Lord.

Like all other MMR resident staff, I will be raising my own support. Along with heading back home to help my dad with his company, the other reason was to gain a financial backing and set myself up for the best of success as I transition into this new chapter of life. My current goal, along with the recommendation of MMR staff, is to raise $1,300 a month. If you feel prompted to give any amount to help support me as I seek to go forward as staff worker at the Ranch, please feel free! Also, I’ve had quite a few people offer to back me monthly and if you have any questions about that, or any encouragement, feedback, or questions in general, feel free to contact me personally at .

With that being said, I appreciate the many prayers I have received. I am eternally grateful for them and I can’t thank you enough! Continue to pray that the Lord will be able to use me as I enter this new role as Assistant Program Director to point people to Him. I wish to be a light during my time at Miracle Mountain Ranch. Additionally, prayer that the Lord will provide the support I need to successfully remain at the Ranch. Finally, prayer for Sienna and I as we move forward in preparation and planning of our wedding, keeping our eyes on the Lord in all we do!

I appreciate all of you very much and I hope you have a great remainder of your fall season as well as a great Thanksgiving!

God Bless,
Jacob Roth

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