Caitrin Allen

Caitrin graduated from the School of Discipleship in August 2022 as a 1st year student. She then came on staff in the Guest Services department in the main office where she helps register guests for events and summer camp throughout the year as well as doing other office work. She is also in an advisor position mentoring students in the School of Discipleship program.


Caitrin’s Spring 2024 Update

Dear Friends and Family,

Things up at the Ranch have been going quite well lately. Our winter and early spring retreats have been well attended and we have gotten lots of registrations for summer camps and upcoming retreats. It has been a joy to see so many people, both long-time attendees and first-timers, registering for events at the Ranch. We have nearly 800 children signed up for summer camp and more signing up every day! In just a few short months we will welcome the first of these children through our doors. I cannot wait for their arrival and getting to see their joy at coming to camp, hearing about the Lord, and making new friends.. Summer is by far my favorite season at the Ranch! This summer will be very busy, I will be working full time in the office with even more responsibilities than I had last year, helping set up and run a VBS with the youth group I help with in town, and keeping up with everything else in my life as well. I’m super excited for this upcoming season and the opportunity to be a part of things bigger than I. I love seeing how God works in people’s lives through MMR. I am hoping to have a student working with me in the office this Summer which will definitely help in getting things done and also will be nice having someone to work with day to day. This will be my 4th Summer at the Ranch but still feels like there will be plenty of new things to learn and this summer will undoubtedly have its unique joys and challenges! Please pray for endurance and effectiveness in ministry for all of us at MMR and that we will have a heart of service and willingness to serve both God and others.

The months leading up to summer will still be busy months though not as busy as Summer Camp. On April 8th The Ranch is hosting a one-time solar eclipse retreat as we are within the line of totality during the eclipse. Warren County made us the official eclipse viewing spot in the county which has brought a lot of publicity to the event! We have over 300 people signed up for this retreat and are expecting more to show up on the day of, if the weather is pleasant. We will be offering normal ranch activities; trail rides, climbing wall, Message From the Mount, and more as well as glasses and a space to view the eclipse. This retreat provides a unique opportunity for ministry as it draws people who would normally not be interested in a Christian camp to register and attend the event. We have a lot of new-to-the-Ranch people signed up and have gotten several new Ranchers for this summer because of it!

In mid-April I am planning a road trip with a close friend, Carleigh, to visit Chip & Sandy Hungerford at Children’s Bible Ministries (CBM) where they are working in Tennessee. This will be the first time I’ve seen them since they left the Ranch last August. They have been greatly missed here at MMR and I am looking forward to the opportunity to visit them, catch up, and see what their life is like now that they are not at the Ranch anymore. They live near the Smoky Mountains, which is a place I’ve always wanted to visit so I am looking forward to that aspect of the trip as well. I anticipate this being a sweet time of fellowship and conversation with them and with Carleigh. The trip will be a 10 hour drive each way so please pray for safety as we travel and that my car will hold up with no issues. I am also flying to Florida for a vacation with my family in May so I have quite a bit of travel planned in the next couple of months before the busiest season at the Ranch begins.

On the topic of travel, you may remember that in my last newsletter I mentioned that I had hoped to go on the annual missions trip to Mexico again this year. With everything going on at the Ranch and the need to prepare for the eclipse retreat at the tail end of the trip, it didn’t end up being possible for me to go. Leaving the Ranch for that long simply didn’t make sense this year. Although it was a little disappointing to watch the bus leave without me, I am content with the need for me to stay back this year. It got me thinking how sometimes God teaches more from a “no” than a “yes.” Last year, the opportunity to go on the trip was a huge blessing and a testament to God’s provision. This year, having to stay back because of the need for me to be here is teaching me that I do not get to say what the “best way” to serve the Lord is. As much as I would have loved to be in Mexico this past week it is the Lord’s trip and he did not need me there for it to be successful. The Lord can be served from anywhere and I feel that right now, I can serve him much better by keeping things running in the office and setting everything up for the eclipse retreat during the time of the missions trip. I also had a nice visit with my family over Easter which I was grateful for. I am excited to hear about how the trip went from those that were able to go when they return!

Prayer requests:

  • That the solar eclipse retreat will be a success and that the gospel will be shared
  • Safety in travel for several upcoming personal trips
  • Someone to fill the staffing need for a bookkeeper to help the office run smoothly.
  • A willing heart to serve in whatever capacity I can this summer
  • For the students as we move towards our summer season, that they will settle in to their new positions and be well prepared in their various position


  • The students are doing great in their departments and we have not had a single one leave the program so far this year.
  • The Mexico trip went very well and a lot was accomplished. Highlights I was told of include; great progress was made on construction, times of fellowship and prayer with the women in the village were had, around 350 pairs of shoes were donated and distributed for the trip, a unicycle and juggling show was done for the kids which they loved! And the pastor of the church in the small village spoke about his vision for spreading the gospel to neighboring villages and how the mission team could help or pray.

I would love to connect and/or pray for you personally. I can be reached by email at , snail mail at 101 Rodeo Drive, Spring Creek, PA 16436, or by phone at .

God Bless,
Caitrin Allen

If you feel led to financially support my ministry at MMR you can find more information on how to do so by clicking the button below.