Christina Coder
Christina Coder is a graduate of the School of Discipleship (Class of 2016/2017) who continued on staff after graduation. After serving in the kitchen for 4 years she transitioned to the horse barn in the fall of 2021 where she assists in the training program and teaches riding lessons. She also assists in the barn office whenever needed.
Christina’s Mission Update
January 2022
A lot can happen in a year, which is about how long it has been since I last updated everyone on life up here on the mountain! 2021 was a year of change in many aspects. Throughout these many changes in plans and new opportunities, I have been consistently reminded of God’s goodness. No matter how much I want to be in control of things, it is God who truly has the control, and I am grateful for it because His plan for my life consistently outperforms any that I would have arranged.
Near the beginning of 2021, I began to plan a three-month mission trip to Senegal, Africa to serve with the Mercy Ships. After I had been approved to join the ship and had plans set in motion, I received a call explaining that due to COVID-19, the ship was pulling out of the country and that I would not be able to join them until further notice.
Knowing that I still wanted to do something different in the fall, I committed the situation to the Lord and continued moving forward. In May I decided to approach the deacons of my church to see about hosting a Vacation Bible School in June. They quickly agreed that it was a good idea and gave me permission to begin planning it – Not necessarily what I had intended, but when the Lord places an opportunity like that on your lap, you take it! Working alongside a church member who had run VBS in the past, we quickly put together a program and ran a five-day VBS at the beginning of June (the same week as summer staff training at MMR… It was quite a busy week all around!)
We saw over 50 different kids attend, and two days after the closing program we started up a youth group for the church. As with most things, it has been a bit of a slow start, however, we have 3-5 kids on any given week and it has been a blessing to have the opportunity to teach them every week.
In August, God provided a new direction. Even though I couldn’t go to Africa, I changed jobs within the Ranch. Leaving the kitchen, I transitioned to the Horse Barn, where my responsibilities now include caring for and training horses, instructing lessons, and improving the summer camp riding program. While temperatures have dipped into the low teens in the past several weeks, I am still excited for this change, and look forward to what the future holds! (especially the warmer weather)
I am still attending Lancaster Bible College online, where I am pursuing two Bachelor’s degrees in Communications and Biblical Studies. I have also begun to work as a freelance writer on the side and look forward to pursuing more in the field as my schedule allows.
In June, I welcomed Twila, a spunky kitten with attitude to spare, into my life. It has been fun to watch her grow and I have certainly enjoyed her company. Contrary to popular belief, this does not mean I have become a “crazy cat lady”, though there are those who would challenge me on that point.
If you would like to hear more news and updates feel free to call, text or email me!
All staff members at Miracle Mountain Ranch work fully on mission support from people like you. If you are interested in supporting me, your donation, along with a separate piece of paper designating the funds to my support can be sent to:
Miracle Mountain Ranch
101 Rodeo Dr. Spring Creek, PA 16436.
You may also give online using the button below.