Hannah Snyder
Hannah Snyder grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She began attending camp as a rancher, and then continued on to be an in-training and summer staff. She then came as a student to the School of Discipleship in 2014 and stayed through 2016. From there in the fall of 2016, Hannah began working as staff as the head cook in the kitchen.
Hannah’s Newsletter
Fall 2024
Hey, friends! The summer season has just finished and the 2023-24 students have all graduated. Last time I talked with many of you, I had shared how the compressor of our main freezer at the ranch had broken. Thanks to many who prayed and gave generously, the freezer was fixed before summer and has not had any issues. One of the volunteers walked by as I was getting things out of the freezer and said, “Wow, that’s really cold!” and I was again so thankful that we had a freezer that works and was indeed very cold.
This summer was fantastic! We had a wonderful staff and also many great volunteers who made the summer season possible and enjoyable. The theme for this summer was “Abide” taken from John 15:1-5. Which it was so encouraging to hear many different speakers all sharing about abiding in Christ. We had almost 2000 kids come to camp this summer. Seventy six ranchers accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and many others made continuing commitments to follow after Christ. Much of the work that Christ has done this summer we will never see, but God is faithful in His work. Thank you for all of your prayers–it is so exciting to be a part of God’s work sharing the gospel through summer camp but my part would not be possible without you. I also had the opportunity to mentor one of the counselors this summer which was a great blessing. As I sought to encourage her, I was in turn encouraged and challenged as she asked questions about following Christ and loving those around her. She also worked through many difficult situations with things at home and with the ranchers in her bunkhouse while she sought to glorify God in those challenging circumstances.
It was quite the whirlwind after summer. We had a half week of family camp which is really fun to see many families taking time to be together and then after the families had left there was one final week for the students before graduation. Graduation is always a little bittersweet for me as the students leave and move onto their next things. I am so happy for them in all the things they have learned and accomplished over the course of the year but also sorrowful that they are leaving and the close fellowship that we shared over the year will be finished. Also I am excited to hear about God’s continued work in and through them when they come back to visit.
Between years can be rather quiet as there are many staff who take the opportunity to take vacation while there are no students around. The staff that remain all jump in to assist with barn chores which is a fun time of fellowship. I had the opportunity to help harvest hay. There was a second family camp over Labor Day weekend and then on the following Friday, orientation for a new year of students.
There are twenty six students in the 2024-25 class. Eight of whom are here for a second year. As you may recall, I have been partnered with the Freeman family for the last four years. This year the Freeman family is taking a year without having advisor meetings, so I have the opportunity to join the Bridges family for advisor meetings. We have two students joining us this year and I am excited to see the work that God does. I really enjoy this time of year as students are just starting and are all getting to participate in the different chore areas. It is sometimes a challenge for me of how I need to teach people, get everything done on time, and yet still encourage a fun working environment.
As the new students begin their school year they all memorize James 1 and as they memorize I have the opportunity to review and this year as I have been refreshing my memory of James 1 verse 17 has really stuck out to me which says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” It is in the context of enduring temptation and I was challenged on whether I actually believe that every good gift is from God. I am quick to say that is what I believe but in my actions I often find that I am quick to seek to do things in my own way because I want what I want. God is exceedingly gracious to continue to show me His goodness and the perfections of His ways and timing.
Fall retreats will be starting soon beginning with Horse Lovers, followed by two Ladies Retreats, a Homeschool Day, and Harvest Party. After that there is a time without retreats in which I am planning on joining a friend on a vacation to visit friends in Tennessee and Texas.
In Christ,
Hannah Snyder
- A working freezer
- Wonderful weather for the growing and harvesting of hay
- Many lives changed during the summer
Prayer Request:
- The new students that they would be able to learn what God has for them
- Safety in travels for vacation
- Grace and wisdom as I build relationships with the new students
- That I would find my delight in Christ