Josiah Gross

Josiah Gross serves on staff as the Program Director. He facilities and helps lead retreats and events at the ranch, as well as assisting in the marketing department, summer camp program, and SOD programming department. Josiah enjoys serving God through his work at the ranch and in the Corry Community.


Fall Newsletter

Fall 2024

Dear friends and family,

Our fall retreat season was a great success. We had several retreats go on throughout the fall, and each one was a wonderful time of connecting and fellowshipping with people from the surrounding communities.

After summer camp ended, I got promoted to the role of Program Director! As Program Director, I am in charge of scheduling and organizing retreats and events at the ranch and outreach events with the community and other camps. This role allows me to connect and fellowship with the many guests who come to the ranch. Building personal relationships and friendships with the staff, students, and retreaters who come here is one of the reasons I love working at MMR. I also serve on the cabinet of the Allegheny section of the Christian Camping and Conference Association (CCCA) as the Sponsor Coordinator. This involves helping put together sponsors and vendors for our yearly conference. It also allows me to connect with people from other Christian camps all year long!

Summer Camp Testimonies

  • “This week God has taught me that trials can actually shape our faith.”
  • “This week I grew closer to God and met awesome friends along the way.”
  • “This week I’ve learned how to abide in God, how to love God, and to pray more often.”

We graduated our class of 2024 right after summer, and welcomed our new student class just a few weeks after that! For this year in the advisor program, I am co-advising with the Stanley family again, and we have three students; Robbie, Judson, and Jude. We have a great group of guys, and I have enjoyed getting to know them during advisor meetings on Tuesday night.

In September, I moved down into our trailer park with our guy students. I have loved hanging out with them, playing games and sports, and getting to know them better. I have also recently joined a new church plant called Harvest Community Church, and it has been great attending there and getting to know that body of believers.

Support Update

Thank you to everyone who has supported me through financial giving or prayer. The board of Directors recommends that single staff raise $1,300 a month, and I am currently sitting at around 40% of that recommended goal. If you want to become a ministry partner with me monthly or through a one-time gift, you can use the “Support Staff” button below. It’s because of your support I can serve in the ministry at Miracle Mountain Ranch, so thank you!

Prayer Updates

  • Prayers for the three young men I’m mentoring, Robbie, Jude, and Judson, that they will be able to grow in their spiritual walk with the Lord this year.
  • As I take on more responsibilities in work and church life, that I will continue to do everything to the glory of God.
  • My relationships with staff, students, and friends, that they will continue to grow as I make long-lasting friendships here.

I am blessed to work in an incredible Christian environment with people who love the Lord and strive to please Him daily. Thank you for the support and prayers that I have received from all of you. I look forward to seeing how God works through me in this next year!

Yours in Christ,
Josiah Gross

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