Lydia Spencer

Lydia Spencer graduated from the School of Discipleship, and joined our staff team as our Marketing Manager. Her job includes managing the Ranch social media accounts, assisting with promotional events, teaching the media students, and overseeing all the flyers and graphic design. Lydia is married to an alumni of the School of Discipleship, Hans Spencer.



Dear Friends and Family,

Summer Camp is over! We had 7 full weeks of camp as well as Family Camp. It was a busy summer with over 1200 ranchers in total. My marketing job continued throughout the summer as well as managing our media team. We were blessed with a wonderful team this summer. We hired in two photographers and had Darla (School of Discipleship student) as our videographer. They worked really hard and put out over 1200 pictures each week as well as produced a 3–5 minute highlight video. 

We now enter right into another busy season. We will be hosting several events throughout the Fall including another Family Camp, Harvest Party, Homeschool Day, Horse Lover’s Retreat, and more. Our School of Discipleship students graduated on August 17. It was so sweet being able to get to know them throughout the year and work alongside them in the ministry. We will have around 30 School of Discipleship students attending this next year, starting the first weekend of September.

All that to say, it has been really busy but God has remained faithful in providing strength and grace throughout the crazy seasons. I was reminded yesterday as I read Psalm 16 that in God’s presence there is fullness of joy and in His hand there are pleasures forevermore. It was a good reminder that even amidst the busyness, I need to consistently turn to HIM for my joy. 

As I head into my second year as resident staff, I have still not reached my financial support goal. I am currently less than ⅓ supported. I am in great need to raise my support or the opportunity for me to remain on staff might not continue. I love working in the ministry here and really feel this is where the Lord has me. I am looking for those who would like to partner with me in the ministry by supporting me monthly. This would be an incredible blessing to me! You can set up a monthly giving plan online at then click “Staff Support Donation” and then fill out the form with my name. This is a safe and easy way to give. You can also mail a check made out to Lydia Torrey.

Please keep the Ranch in your prayers as we transition from summer to our fall events. Pray for our new students as they dive into studying God’s Word and learn how to apply the truths of His Word to their everyday lives. I also greatly appreciate your prayers as I continue to serve here, that my mind would stay renewed and that I would be strengthened by His Word. 


I hope that you all have had a wonderful summer! It was so nice to catch up with so many of you throughout the past month. I would welcome anyone who would like to come visit the Ranch and understand the ministry more fully. 


Lydia Torrey
101 Rodeo Drive
Spring Creek, PA 16436