Melody Weaver

Melody Weaver grew up in the farm country of Lancaster County, PA. She recently graduated her second year at the School of Discipleship at MMR and is now serving in the Programming Department. Some of her current responsibilities include scheduling retreat groups, updating and organizing paperwork for summer staff, summer camp preparation, and assisting with year round retreats and events.

Serving in Northwestern PA

October 2017
In This Corner of Pennsylvania

As the temperature begins to drop and the trees are viberant hues of red, yellow, and orange, I am reminded that changes in life are inevitable. Praise the Lord that He is never changing and His grace is ever sufficient. Some of the most exciting change that He orchestrates is that which He works in lives all around us.

This summer there were reported over 50 young people who accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior while at camp and there were even more encouraged with their walk with Christ! Praise the Lord! We were truly blessed to have the team of summer staff that we gave their summer to serve alongside of us. There was a great sense of unity and encouraging one another in truth. At times we thought we would be “short handed” especially with barn staff but God used it as an opportunity to remind us that it is His ministry and He will provide for the needs that we had. Sometimes it was through past summer staff turning up and offering to volunteer, or a change of schedule that allowed present summer staff to stay longer than they had anticipated.

Over summer I enjoyed working with the girl counselors during accountability groups and one-on-one mentoring times. I sit in awe of how the Lord, in His wisdom, uses different hard situations, struggles, or expeirences in our lives to teach us and also prepare us to share that truth with others to encourage them in their walk with Him. I am thankful for the opportunities for ministry and the relationships built over the summer. God is ever faithful!

A theme that God continued to bring to me throughout the summer was about the vastness of His love. Passages like 1 John 3:1 reminds me of His great love and how He manifested that in adoption of those who are in Christ being His children. In passages like 1 John 4:7-11 and John 13:34-35 I was reminded that the only way I know love is because of Him first demonstrated His love towards us and as a Christian I now should reflect the Gospel by loving others as Christ has loved me. These are all things that I have know for years, yet as God continues to deepen my understanding of His love I am realizing my need to continue to go back to Him as I am seeking to love and minister to those He brings into my sphere of ministry. The understanding more of the weight of who He is and the what He did for me by dying on the cross, taking the wrath that should have been poured out on me and my sin, and how He rose again, I see how I grow in deeper love for my Lord and Savior.

Once summer camp ended, we kept busy with the one class’ graduation, another class’ orentation, a funeral for one of the founders of MMR, family camp

My family at Michaela (my sister) and Caleb Stoltzfoos’ wedding in August. (one of our largest ever!), and a few retreats and day outings. One of the most recent day events was our Harvest party. It is a free, open house event that we provide games, food, a pie contest and silent auction that benefits our Summer Camp Scholarship Fund. I made a sninkers pie to enter into the contest. The silent auction of all the pies raised enough to send two kids to camp on full scholarship and have some change left over!

Currently the students are in their second month of classes and Bible writing projects. Some of those classes include New Testament Survey, Intro to Biblical Counseling, Time Management, and Horsemanship. Among the student body we have 14 different states represented. This year I am co-advising again for two of the student gals this year with the Piger family. Mr. Piger serves as the Camp Director and his wife oversees the landscaping at the Ranch. I am thankful for their example and ecouragement as I have the opportunity to be advisors with them!

We are now moving into our time of year that we have fewer retreats and events. Most of our winter retreats will pick up again after the New Year. Until then, we’ll be get ready to train the students in their “Majors” (when they choose a ministry focus for example: Barn, Kitchen, or Programming). Winter retreat planning, summer camp planning (yes…that starts already!), and getting a student choir together will be among the other things that I will be working for a little while.

I look forward to traveling to spend a couple weeks over Christmas with family and friends in Lancaster County. I am grateful to the Lord for the vehicle which He provided so that I can be flexible with my travels! If you think about it, please keep me in your prayers while I travel and also conitinue in the ministry that the Lord has for me here.

If you are interested in supporting the ministry I am doing here financially, please address your tax deductible check to MMR with a separate note specifying “Support for Melody Weaver.”

Praising the Lord for

Ministry at MMR:

  • During summer we had 1205 ranchers attended camp and we were able to share the Truth of God’s Word with each one!
  • SOD Class of 2016-2017 graduation and the Class of 2017-2018 is settling in and growing closer as a body of students.


  • The opportunity to travel and celebrate 7 friends getting married this year! I am very thankful to be able to be a part of their special days!
  • Attending my home church’s Campmeeting and fellowship with many people who I’ve not seen in years!
  • Many lessons learned this year and strengthened in my relationship with God.
  • God is good!


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